
Show me the Money:  Funding Opportunities for AT

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 1 month ago



Show me the Money:  Funding for AT



Where do I go to find sources for Loans and Grants for AT?


New Well Fund/Assistive Technology Loan Fund Authority   http://NewWellfund.org 


RESNA - Site for national loan programs and state Tech Act projects   http://resna.org


Assistive Technology in the Student's Individualized Education Program:  A Handbook for Parents and School Personnel 




A Resource Guide to Assistive Technology Funding (2001, fifth printing) http://vats.org/ATFunding.htm


NEC Foundation   http://www.necfoundation.org/grants


University of Buffalo, Assistive Technology Training Online provides grant  funding sources for school technology  http://at-training.com


United Cerebral Palsy Funding Search Tips   http://www.ucp.org/ucp_channeldoc.cfm/1/14/86/86-86/2938


Sources for Grants, DisabilityInfo.gov  http://www.disabilityinfo.gov/digov-public/public/DisplayPage.do?parentFolderId=5106


Technology Grant News  http://www.technologygrantnews.com/


Funding Resources  http://www.donjohnston.com/funding/comp_grant_programs.html


The Family Village  www.familyvillage.wisc.edu/at/funding-at.html


techLEARNING offers a directory of funding sources and grant writing assistance  http://techlearning.com/grants/html


School Grants--sources for funding and directions on writing letters of inquiry and grants  http://www.schoolgrants.org


The Foundation Center:  Finding Funders provide a variety of resources grouped by private foundations, corporate garntmakers, public charities and community foundations   http://fdncenter.org/funders/





I can't keep up with the deadlines for grants, are there any newsletters that will keep me informed of current funding opportunities?


This site generates a weekly newsletter and a searchable database of grant resources  http://foundationcenter.org/pnd/rfp/cat_education.jhtml


This site offers a free monthly newsletter that highlights a few grant sources for schools.  There are other paid funding database searches available.  www.schoolfundingcenter.com 


Disability Resources Monthly offers a variety of funding resources that are searchable by state.  http://www.disabilityresources.org/VIRGINIA.html


The Big Deal Book of Technology for K-12 Educators offers a monthly newsletter and a Big Deal Book www.bigdealbook.com


Technology Grant News, Subscription Newsletter published 4 times a year provides information on new technology programs for program initiatives http://www.technologygrantnews.com




Where can I find local resources for funding?


A good source of small grants are from churches and local civic organizations (Lions Clubs, Rotary International, Kiwanis International, Junior League).  Often these grants appeal to a personal story and are good sources of AT funds for individuals.  Their goal often is to make a difference  in the lives of individuals and families.  A Google search of "Community and Civic Organizations in (name city/county)" will often reveal a nice list of resources. 



I'm overwhelmed by the variety of AT materials available, how can I narrow my search in selecting AT solutions?  


Tech Matrix, provide an online review of reading, writing, math and assistive technology products for students with special needs www.techmatrix.org


Closing the Gap www.closingthegap.com


Family Center on Technology and Disability www.fctd.org


Abledata www.abledata.com/abledata_docs/funding.htm



How can I find, write and win mini-grants? 


How to Find, Write and Win Grants, Intellitools  http://www.intellitools.com/resources/grants.aspx


Using Mini-Grants to Fund Assistive Technology for Students with Severe Disabilities   http://www.ttac.odu.edu/Articles/minigrant.html


Step by step process for writing a proposal  http://foundationcenter.org/getstarted/tutorials/shortcourse/index.html


Grant Writing Tools for Non-Profit Organizations http://www.npguides.org/


Education World, bi-weekly grants newsletter  http://www.educationworld.com/maillist.shtml




Where can I locate grants for individual students?


The Morgan Project provides grants to families with a child who is medically fragile  www.themorganproject.org


Disabled Childrens Relief Fund www.dcrf.com


The Kaitlin Marie Bell Foundation, Inc. helps children with disability in the Delmarva and Eastern Shore regions of Virginia www.kmpfoundation.org



Do Vendors offer grants for purchasing their equipment? 


Cambium Learning Products  www.kurzweiledu.com/proof_grants.aspx 

Intellitools www.intellitools.com

Don Johnston  www.donjohnston.com

Dell  www.dell.com

Microsoft www.microsoft.com

Apple  www.apple.com



What are some good corporate sources for funding?


AT & T   www.att.com

Walmart  www.walmartstores.com

Best Buy

Bank of America http://www.bankofamerica.com/foundation/index.cfm?template=fd_localgrants

Target http://sites.target.com/site/en/corporate/page.jsp?contentId=PRD03-001818

Wachovia www.wachovia.com


George Lucas Educational Foundation provides a list of links to corporate foundations and computer donation programs  http://glef.org/grant.html





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