
iPadTools Wiki

Page history last edited by Kelly Ligon 13 years, 1 month ago

Post ideas, info, and solutions related to the iPad here!

Great introducation to the iPad from Santa Ana Unified School District



Loudoun County's Assistive Technology team uses this Loudoun CO ipad info.pdf  for setting up iOS devices


Some of these also apply to the iTouch...


VoiceOver is awesome, but kind of tricky to learn how to turn it off (on is easy; off takes some practice). Here are the directions--they worked for me! :) http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3598


The PhotoFrame feature (http://apple-ipad-tablet-help.blogspot.com/2010/06/ipad-picture-frame-howto.html) might be cool for trainings and displays, since it will cycle images from a photo album (IMHO dissolve mode is less distracting than origami). You can export PowerPoint slides with LARGE font text or relevant images and have them loop as a center or display without the rest of the iPad running!


You can drag up to 6 apps into the bottom menu bar so they are always present. Proloquo2go or Dragon Naturally Speaking would be good apps to put there for some students. Calendar, too.


I didn't know that in the Accessibility settings you can reassign "Triple click the Home Button" to Toggle VoiceOver, Toggle White on Black, or Ask you what to do! Cool...now I have a single click of the home button to close the app, a double to open the search box, and a triple to ask me what accessibility options I want! 


VCU's LotusNotes Traveler (for email and calendar) is here: http://www.ts.vcu.edu/kb/3590.html but make sure you find the link for iPad not iTouch :)

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